Exclusive: Unexpected tension was noticed in Brittany Mahomes’ aquarium…

Exclusive: Unexpected tension was noticed in Brittany Mahomes' aquarium...


Brittany Mahomes, wife of star quarterback Patrick Mahomes and close friend of Taylor Swift, introduced two new clownfish to her aquatic haven only to start a surprising aquarium drama.


Exclusive: Unexpected tension was noticed in Brittany Mahomes' aquarium...

Resembling the iconic Nemo, these fishes joined the underwater community within the Mahomes’ home. However, the harmony in the aquarium was short-lived as the newcomers proved to be rather assertive in an Instagram story,.

Brittany made a decisive announcement, stating, “We don’t have bullies in this tank… I’m getting rid of them… Jerks.”

The incident sheds light on the Mahomes’ affection for animals and their commitment to maintaining a harmonious environment for their aquatic companions.

Known for their love of pets and wildlife, Brittany and Patrick Mahomes have created a home that reflects their passion for animals.

The decision to part ways with the troublesome clownfish showcases Brittany’s dedication to fostering a peaceful and supportive space for all inhabitants of their underwater sanctuary.